In this tutorial we will learn what is tablespace in oracle ,different types of tablespace , what is the default tablespace in oracle database and mode of tablespace in oracle.
What is tablespace in oracle:
Tablespace is one of the logical structure of the oracle database. Oracle logically store the data in the table space. A tablespace consists of one or more datafile (which is the physical file stored on the disk).
Different type of tablespace in oracle:
There are three types of tablespace.
1. Permanent tablespace: In the permanent tablespace data is stored permanently. Data will be remain in the tablespace until user deletes the data permanently.
2. Undo tablespace: Undo tablespace is used to store the undo data . when it is necessary to rollback uncommitted transaction undo data is required.
3. Temp tablespace: Temp tablespace is used to store a temporary data. When a user executes a SQL statement it stores the temporary data in temp tablespace.
Default tablespace in oracle database:
At the time of installation of oracle database these below tablespace is automatically created.
1. System: This tablespace is used by the oracle to store the data dictionary tables , administrative information. This tablespace is very import to run oracle database.
2. Sysaux: this tablespace is also used by the oracle and it is used for the same purpose by the oracle .
3. Undotbs1: This table space is used to store the undo data which is required when rollback is required for the uncommitted transaction.
4. Users: This tablespace is used to store data which is executed by the users.
5. Example: This tablespace is used to store the sample schema table.
Mode of tablespace in oracle:
Two type of modes is present in the tablespace of oracle.
1. Online: In the online mode all data files are accessible . In the online mode user can do the read write operation.
2. Offline: In the offline mode data is not accessible .It is generally used to do offline tablespace backup, recover datafile, rename the datafile etc.
In this article we learned what is tablespace in oracle ,different type of table space , what is the default tablespace in oracle database and mode of tablespace in oracle.
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