How to create table using HTML on web page for beginners

In the previous article we have learnt how to put image using HTML for a web page.

In this article we will learn how to create table  using HTML coding on a web page . <table>element is used to create a table on the web page using html coding and it should be end with </table>. <tr>,<th> and <td> element should be write inside the <table></table> element.

How to create a table  using HTML  on webpage

Look the below code to take an example to explain this.

<!DOCTYPE html>
            <h1> Welcome to Techrideradmin</h1>

After doing the above code while we reload the page we found the below output.

How to create table using HTML on web page for beginners
How to create table using HTML on web page for beginners

From the above raw coding , we should write <!DOCTYPE html> at the beginning which tells the browser it is a html program.

From the above example <table> element  is used to create a table on a web page and it should be end with </table>. it should be write within <body></body> tag. <tr>,<th> and <td> element should be write inside the <table></table> element.
<tr> define for table row .
<th> define for table header.
<td> define for table data.

That’s all. If this article is helpful please share it!!!!

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How to insert background image in HTML webpage for beginners

How to insert background image in html and html image size |In the previous article we have learnt how to create link using HTML for a web page.

In this article we will learn how to put image  using HTML coding on a web page and define html image size . <img>tag is used to put a image on the web page using html coding. we use src attribute to define image file for a web page.

How to insert background image in html

Lets take an example to explain this.

we can insert background image in html and to do this we can take an example below.

Suppose we create a image file named “test.jpg” in the same directory so we need to define it as per below code. we can define the html image size as below example.

<!DOCTYPE html>
            <h1> Welcome to Techrideradmin</h1>
            <img src=”test.JPG” width=”300” height=”140” alt=”HTML”>

After doing the above code while we reload the page we found the below output.

How to put image using HTML on web page for beginners,html image size
How to put image using HTML on web page for beginners

From the above raw coding , we should write <!DOCTYPE html> at the beginning which tells the browser it is a html program.

From the above example <img> tag is used to put image on a web page. it should be write within <body></body> tag. we use width and height attribute for the adjustment of image size and we use alt attribute to provide the alt text if image will not loaded properly on the web page.

That’s all. If this article is helpful to know about how to insert background image in html and html image size please share it!!!!

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