Temporary tablespace group in oracle database


In this tutorial we will learn what is a temporary tablespace group, how to create a temporary tablespace group,how to add existing temporary tablespace to temporary tablespace group , how to set a temporary tablespace group to default temporary tablespace.

    What is temporary tablespace group:-

    In the previous tutorial we have learned about temporary tablespace. If we have one temporary tablespace all users are working on that temporary tablespace for that there will be a chance to reduce the performance. If we have bound multiple temporary tablespaces in a group all users are assigned to that temporary tablespace group and they will get all temporary tablespaces to do the multiple sorting,joining operations for that the conflict can be reduced.

    How to create a temporary tablespace group in oracle:-

    There will be no specific command to create a temporary tablespace group. We can create a temporary tablespace group by using create temporary tablespace statement.

    SQL>create temporary tablespace TEMP02 tempfile '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/temp03.dbf' size 20m tablespace group temp_group;

    Now we have other temporary tablespace TEMP02 and a temporary tablespace group is attached to that temporary tablespace. To view the temporary tablespace group we will use dba_tablespace_groups data dictionary table.

    create a temporary tablespace group,view temporary Tablespace group

    How to add existing temporary tablespace to this group:-

    We have three temporary tablespaces (TEMP,TEMP01 and TEMP02) and TEMP02 is attached to the temporary tablespace group. We want to attach another temporary tablespace named TEMP01 to this group so we can execute the below command.

    SQL>alter tablespace TEMP01 tablespace group temp_group;

    add existing temporary tablespace with temporary Tablespace group
    Now TEMP01 is the member of the temporary tablespace group.

    How to set a temporary tablespace group to default temporary tablespace:-

    Now default temporary tablespace is TEMP01 . We want to set default temporary tablespace temp_group (temporary tablespace group name). So we need to execute the below command.
    SQL>alter database default temporary tablespace TEMP_GROUP;
    set a temporary tablespace group to default temporary tablespace

    In this tutorial we have learned what is a temporary tablespace group, how to create a temporary tablespace group, how to add existing temporary tablespace to this group, how to set a to default temporary tablespace.
    Stay tune with us.

    How to create Temporary tablespace in oracle database

    In this tutorial we will learn  what is temporary tablespace in oracle ,   view temporary tablespace using oracle data dictionary table,  how to create temporary tablespace in oracle ,  how to resize temporary tablespace,  how to set default temporary tablespace .

      Temporary Tablespace in oracle:

       Temporary tablespace is created by default during oracle database installation. By default temp tablespace is created and it is assigned to all users if we have not specified any tablespace . users used this tablespace while doing and executing big operations such as sorting,joining and union so on. During these big operations a huge amount of memory is required to store such information to avoid this oracle assigned temporary tablespace to do these jobs.

      View temporary tablespace in oracle database: 

      To view temporary tablespace we are using dba_temp_files data dictionary table. Need to execute the below command.

      SQL>select TABLESPACE_NAME,FILE_NAME,BYTES/1024/1024 from dba_temp_files;

      temporary tablespace oracle

      Here TEMP is created by default while installing the oracle database and the temporary file name is temp01.dbf with size 29mb.

      How to create temporary tablespace in oracle :

      Now we have one temporary tablespace . Now we want to create one more temporary tablespace as per our requirement. We can assign one temporary tablespace for some users and another temporary tablespace for some other users. We can distribute it to get better performance. To do this we need to execute the below command.

      Note: To create a temporary tablespace we must use this temporary keyword. If we miss this keyword normal tablespace will be created.
      SQL>create temporary tablespace TEMP01 tempfile '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/temp02.dbf' size 10m;
      Create temporary tablespace oracle

      Now temporary tablespace TEMP01 is created with the tempfile temp02.dbf with 10mb.

      How to resize temporary tablespace in oracle :

      Now we have two temporary tablespaces named TEMP and TEMP01. We want to resize temp02.dbf file with size 10mb to 15mb we can execute the below command.
      alter database tempfile '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/temp02.dbf' resize 15m;
      Resize temporary tablespace

      View and set default temporary tablespace in oracle database: 

      we have two temporary tablespaces and need to view which one is default. We need to execute the below command.
      SQL>select * from database_properties where property_name like '%TABLESPACE%';
      View default temporary tablespace
      Here TEMP is the default temporary tablespace. Now we want to change the default temporary tablespace from TEMP to TEMP01.so that we need to execute the below command.
      SQL>alter database default temporary tablespace TEMP01;
      Set default temporary tablespace

      Now the default temporary tablespace is TEMP01 we can not drop it because it default temporary tablespace to drop this tablespace we need to set TEMP default temporary tablespace then we can drop it otherwise not.

      In this tutorial we have learned what is temporary tablespace, to view temporary tablespace using oracle data dictionary table ,how to create temporary tablespace ,how to resize temporary tablespace and how to set default temporary tablespace.

      In the next article we will learn :


      Tablespace and datafile management in oracle

      In this article we will learnView tablespace in oracle,create Tablespace in oracle and create more than one datafile in Tablespace,rename Tablespace in oracle,rename datafile and online and offline mode of Tablespace,resize datafile in existing tablespace,extend Tablespace in Oracle database,drop Tablespace in oracle,drop datafile in oracle Tablespace.

        View tablespace in oracle:

        We can find all tablespace name and their corresponding datafile name using the dba_data_files Data dictionary.
        SQL> select tablespace_name,file_name,bytes/1024/1024 from dba_data_files;

        TABLESPACE_NAME                                    FILE_NAME                                                    BYTES/1024/1024
        -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------
        USERS                                              /u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/users01.dbf                                   5
        UNDOTBS1                                      /u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/undotbs01.dbf                            105
        SYSAUX                                             /u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/sysaux01.dbf                                520
        SYSTEM                                             /u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/system01.dbf                               680
        EXAMPLE                                            /u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/example01.dbf                           100

        Create tablespace in oracle:

        Now we are going to create tablespace named  MYTBS and add one datafile named myfile1 with size 2 mb  with this tablespace. To create the tablespace we execute the below command.

        SQL> create tablespace MYTBS datafile '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/myfile1.dbf' size 2m;
        Create tablespace in oracle

         Add more than one data file in the tablespace: 

        We can create more than one datafile in the specified tablespace. Here we create another file named myfile2 with size 3mb  on the MYTBS tablespace using the below command.
        SQL> alter tablespace MYTBS add datafile '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/myfile2.dbf' size 3m;
        Add data file in the tablespace

        Rename the tablespace:

        We can rename the tablespace using the below command. Here we want to rename MYTBS to MYTBS1.

        SQL> alter tablespace MYTBS rename to MYTBS1;
        Tablespace altered.
        Rename the tablespace:

        Rename the datafile :

        We can also rename the datafile which is located in the tablespace. To do that we need to change the tablespace mode from online to offline . After changing the mode we can rename our datafile and after doing this we will change the tablespace mode again from offline to online to access the data.
        Suppose we have myfile1.dbf file . we want to change it to myfile3.dbf. here the below steps is required.
        1. SQL> alter tablespace MYTBS1 offline;
        2. Now we need to change the filename at the os level using the below command
         $ mv myfile1.dbf myfile3.dbf
        3. SQL> alter database rename file '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/myfile1.dbf' to '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/myfile3.dbf';
        4. SQL> alter tablespace MYTBS1 online;

        we need to extend the tablespace when we required more space to avoid the data insert failure.
        Suppose we insert 2000000 rows into the mytbs1 tablespace.  We got this error message.
        error message ORA-01653

        To avoid it we need to on the auto extend feature and resize feature using the below steps.

        Resize the datafile  in oracle tablespace:

        We can resize the datafile in case more space required the in the tablespace to avoid data insert failure.
        To resize the datafile we can execute the below command.
        Suppose we want to resize the datafile ehich named myfile1 to 4mb we can execute this command.
        SQL> alter database datafile '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/myfile1.dbf' resize 4m;
        Resize the datafile  in oracle tablespace

        Extend tablespace in oracle database:

        We can also on the auto extend feature with adding datafile  on the tablespace.
        SQL> alter tablespace MYTBS1 add datafile '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/myfile4.dbf' size 10m autoextend on next 1m maxsize 250m;
        Here we created one datafile named myfile4.dbf with size 10mb after excced it oracle assigns 1mb upto 250mb. Now we execute the insert script.

        Drop Tablespace in oracle:

        In this tutorial we will learn how to drop oracle tablespace with all contents and data files and also know what will be happened if we miss the keyword  including contents and datafiles.

        Drop tablespace without datafile and with datafile

        We can drop tablespace without all contents and datafiles using the below command.
        SQL> drop tablespace MYTBS;
        All datafiles are present into the disks. These data files are not deleted. But the tablespace was dropped.
        Drop tablespace
        Now we are going to drop tablespace with all the datafiles we are using the below command.
        SQL> drop tablespace MYTBS including contents and datafiles;
        Tablespace dropped.

        Drop  the datafile  in oracle tablespace:

        We can drop one data file among many data files  using the below command. Suppose we want to drop myfile2.dbf file.
        SQL> alter tablespace MYTBS drop datafile '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/myfile2.dbf'

        In this tutorial we have learned
        1. View tablespace in oracle
        2. Create Tablespace in oracle and create more than one datafile in Tablespace.
        3.Rename Tablespace in oracle
        4.Rename datafile and online and offline mode of Tablespace
        5.Resize datafile in existing tablespace
        6.Extend Tablespace in Oracle database
        7.Drop Tablespace in oracle
        8. Drop datafile in oracle Tablespace.

        Stay with us .

        Memory structure in oracle database


        In this tutorial we will learn Memory structure in oracle database . Memory structure of oracle database consists of two types .

        1. SGA : Shared Global Area

        2. PGA: Program Global Area

        Memory structure in oracle database


        SGA is sets of shared memory structures which stores data (program code)and control information of oracle database instance. There will be store record related to current user session . All data and information are shared by all background processes.

         There are various SGA components inside the Shared Global Area. These components are described below:

        DB buffer cache:DB buffer cache stores the data blocks which are read from the datafiles of the oracle database upon request by the user. When a user executes the select statement it finds from the db buffer cache if it is available into the db buffer cache then it shows the results otherwise db buffer cache read the data from the datafiles which is stored on the disk.User never access the data directly from the datafile. always it will be accessed through the db buffer cache.If data is modified which is called dirty buffer in the db buffer cache it will be stored into the datafiles on the physical disk through the DBWr process.

        Redo Buffer:Redo buffer is the buffer which stores the data which is changed. When a user executes the update statement data will be changed and the updated data will be stored in the redo entries. These redo entries are moved to the redo log files through the lgwr process.

        Shared Pool:Shared pool consists of library cache ,data dictionary cache and result cache.SQL or PLSQL code and execution plan is located in the library cache.When a user executes a SQL command it will be executed in the shared SQL area. In the data dictionary cache all data dictionary tables are stored. When a user executes for data dictionary table it will be fetched from it. When a user executes a select statement the result will be stored in the result cache. When another user executes the same query the result will be fetched out from the result cache.

        Large pool:Large pool is used for the execution of the parallel query and backup and recovery purpose of the database. It is also required for the distributed database.

        Java Pool:Java pool is used for executing the specified java code in a java virtual machine.

        Stream pool:Stream pool is used to store queue messages and it is used by the oracle stream processes.


        PGA stands for program global area. When a user is going to connect to the oracle database, then the listener plays a vital role to connect the user process and server process.once the connection is established then the user process is directly connected to the server process. When the server process starts it allocates PGA for that particular server process so that PGA is non shared memory. Once the server process stops the PGA will be terminated.

        In this article we learned the memory structure of oracle database, SGA ,SGA components and PGA. Stay tune with us to know more tutorials.

        What is tablespace in oracle In details


        In this tutorial we will learn what is tablespace in oracle ,different types of tablespace , what is the default tablespace in oracle database and mode of tablespace in oracle.

        What is tablespace in oracle: 

        Tablespace is one of the logical structure of the oracle database. Oracle logically store the data in the table space. A tablespace  consists of one or more datafile (which is the physical file stored on the disk).

        Tablespace in oracle

        Different type of tablespace in oracle:

         There are three types of tablespace.

        1. Permanent tablespace:   In the permanent tablespace data is stored permanently. Data will be remain in the tablespace until user deletes the data permanently.

        2. Undo tablespace:  Undo tablespace is used to store the undo data . when it is necessary to rollback uncommitted transaction undo data is required.

        3. Temp tablespaceTemp tablespace is used to store a temporary data. When a user executes a SQL statement it stores the temporary data in temp tablespace.

        Default tablespace in oracle database: 

        At the time of installation of oracle database these below tablespace is automatically created.

        1. System: This tablespace  is used by the oracle to store the data dictionary tables , administrative information. This tablespace is very import to run oracle database.

        2. Sysaux: this  tablespace is also used by the  oracle and it is used for the same purpose by the oracle .

        3. Undotbs1:  This table space is used to store the undo data which is required when rollback is required for the uncommitted transaction.

        4. Users:  This tablespace is used to store data which is executed by the users.

        5. Example:  This tablespace is used to store the sample schema table.

        Mode of tablespace in oracle: 

        Two type of modes is present in the tablespace of oracle.

        1. Online: In the online mode all data files are  accessible . In the online mode user can do the read write operation.

        2. Offline: In the offline mode data is not accessible .It is generally used to do offline tablespace backup, recover datafile, rename the datafile etc.

        In this article we learned what is tablespace in oracle ,different type of table space , what is the default tablespace in oracle database and mode of tablespace in oracle. 

        How to shutdown oracle database on linux


        In this tutorial we learn about how to shutdown  oracle database on linux. There are different stages of shutdown of oracle database. There are also different mode for shutdown oracle database. All DBA should know about all the mode of shutdown for oracle database.

        Different stages of shutdown of Oracle database

        There are three stages of shutdown of oracle database.all stages are described below.

        Database closed: This is the first stage for shutdown of oracle database.some take occured during this phase.

        1. All data moves from memory to datafiles on disk.

        2. During this stages all datafiles and control file closes. 

        Database dismount:- This is the second stages of shutdown of oracle database. During this stages some tasks also occured.

        1. During this stage oracle database disassociated from oracle instance.

        2. During this stage oracle closes control file of oracle database.but oracle instance does not stop during this phase.

        Oracle instance shutdown:- this is the last stage of shutdown of oracle database.some tasks also occured during this phase.

        1. During this stage SGA is disallocated and all the background processes are stopped and oracle instance is shutting down during this stage.

         Different modes of shutting down of oracle database

        There are four different modes of shutting down of oracle database.these are below.

        1. Shutdown immediate:--

        In shutdown immediate in oracle mode all connected user sessions will be disconnected. All current transactions will be terminated. Oracle creates checkpoint and closes all data files.

        Shutdown oracle database on linux

        2. Shutdown transactional:--

        In this mode current transactions are being processed until end . Oracle does not accept new transaction.after end the current transactions checkpoint creates and closes all datafiles.

        3. Shutdown normal:--

        In this mode all connected user sessions are active until disconnected by user.all current transactions and new transactions processes until end. After that oracle creates checkpoint and close datafiles and shutdown the oracle instance.

        4. Shutdown abort:--

        In this mode  oracle shuts down instance forcefully without create checkpoint.

        In this article we learned about the shutdown of Oracle database.stay tune.

        Startup oracle database


        In this tutorial we learn about startup concept of oracle database. There are different stage to startup oracle database.without startup oracle instance we can not access oracle database. 

        Different stages for startup oracle database:

        There are three stages to startup oracle database.these stages are described below.

        Nomount stage:--  this is the first stage to startup oracle database. Some tasks occured during this stage these are described below.

        1.   In this stage oracle reads parameter file from the default location.it also reads if you mention the location along with the startup command other wise it reads from the default location.

        2. During the nomount stage oracle allocates SGA and starts all required background processes.

        3. In this stage oracle database is not attached with the oracle instance.  

        In this stage we use this below command in SQL promt.

        SQL> startup nomount;

        Mount stage:-- This is the second stage to startup oracle database.Some tasks also occured during this stage.

        1. During this stage oracle reads the control file and finds the location of the datafiles which is written in the control file.

        2. During this stage oracle tries to open the datafiles.

        3. Also it the database recovery stage if your database crashes by any reason you can recover at this stage.

        4. During this stage oracle database attached to the oracle instance.

        5. This stage is the maintainance stage for a database administrator. 

        6. Only database admin can access database .no one can access oracle database during this stage.

        After startup the database in nomount mode we need to alter database in mount mode using the below command in the SQL promt.

        SQL>alter database mount;

        We can check the oracle database stage using the below command .

        Startup oracle database

        Open stage:-- This is the last stage to startup a oracle database. Some tasks also occured during this stage.

        1.   In this stage oracle opens all datafiles and Redolog files(which is required for database recovery) .

        2. Every one can access oracle database in this stage. 

        When oracle database is mounted mode we can alter database mode in open state using the below command.

        SQL>alter database open;

        In this lesson we have learned startup concept of oracle database. In the next lesson we will learn shutdown concept of oracle database.
        Stay tune.

        Background processes in oracle 11g database explain


        In this tutorial we will  learn about the background processes in oracle which is running in oracle instance to help data processing for oracle database.

          Background processes in oracle database

          Many processes are running background of an oracle instance.we are going to talk about these processes.
          Background processes in oracle


          DBWR stands for database writer process . It is used to move the data blocks from db buffer cache to datafiles.

          When user execute some SQL commamd then data is stored into db buffer cache and then it will be move to datafiles of database using DBWR process.
          This process will be executed 

          1.when db buffer cache is full need some space to store data blocks into db buffer cache . 

          2. Second condition oracle database wants to checkpoint the DBWR process occurs. 


          LGWR stands for log writer process. It is used to move redo log files from redo log buffer to redo log files of oracle database.
          Redo log file is important to recover the oracle database.

          This process executes
          1. Every  three seconds.
          2. When redo log buffer one third full
          3. When DBWR writes dirty buffer to datafiles of oracle database.


          CKPT stands for checkpoint .it is an oracle event to store SCN no to headers of the datafiles and controlfiles to recover database at the time of requirement.

          It will happen
          1. It checkpoint time out limit exceeded.
          2. If DBA execute alter system switch logfile command.
          3. If DBA issues alter system checkpoint command.


          PMON stands for process monitor. If background processes of instance is failed PMON clears all process by doing these below tasks

          1. Release all lock tables.
          2. Kill all process.
          3. Restarts the dead dispatcher.
          4. Kill all user sessions.


          SMON stands for system monitoring .it is used to recovery an oracle instance.if oracle instance crashes all uncommitted transaction is rolled back. Commited transaction are completed after recovery oracle instance.


          ARCn stands for archiver process. To start the process archive mode should be on for oracle database.this process archive the redo log files to archiver destination which is required to recover the oracle database.

          In the next article we learn about oracle database architecture and oracle database works.



          In this tutorial we learn what is oracle instance and what is oracle database.Below picture will help you to know about oracle instance and oracle database.

          Oracle database vs oracle instance

           Oracle instance:

          Oracle instance combination of background process such as (dbwr,lgwr,ckpt,pmon,smon and so on) and allocated memory (SGA) which is used by the oracle database. Background process will help to feed the data into oracle database.

          One oracle database can associate with more than one instance but oracle instance must have atleast one database,not more than one database.

          Oracle Database:

          Oracle database is collection of many files such as (datafiles,logfiles,redo log files,archivelog files,control files,password file,parameter files) which located on the filesystem of the hard drive.

          When you startup oracle instance it starts the background process as per written in the parameter file and allocated memory as per written in parameter file. When we shutdown the oracle instance it will deallocated memory and stop all required process but oracle database is collection of physical files which remain same on the server. There will be no impact on the oracle database.

          Physical structure of oracle database consists of datafile, redo log file and control file.

          Datafile:- Datafile is a physical file which stored in physical disk and is used to store the data .

          Redo log file:- Redolog file is also physical file which is stored in physical disk and record all changes made to data. It is used to recover database.

          Control file:- It is also physical file which stored on the physical disk . And it records datafile information and redo information .

          Logical structure of oracle database consists of data blocks, extents , segment and table space.

          Data blocks: It is defined by no of bytes on the physical disk. Oracle data is stored into the data blocks. Defaults size of data blocks is 8 bytes.

          Extents: it is combination of many data blocks.

          Segment: segment makes using no of extents to create logical storage structure.

          Tablespace: data file stores into the table space.one or many datafile is stored into one table space .

          In the next tutorial we know about all required background process which will help to feed data into the oracle database.

          pfile vs spfile in oracle database


          In this tutorial we learn what is pfile and what is spfile in oracle database.What is the difference between spfile and pfile in Oracle database .How to change these parameter file .

          Both spfile and pfile are the parameter files in oracle database which is store the instance parameter value such as (SGA_MAX_size,Shared_pool,listener name ,db name ,db_unique name and so on ) and it is used and initialized defined parameter when startup the oracle instance.

          What is PFILE

          PFILE stand for parameter file .It is normally a text file we can edit this file using the normal editor.If we can use linux system then we can edit it vi editor. This is not recommended by the oracle .The default location is $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/init(SID).ora.we can not take any kind of backup of this PFILE using RMAN.

          We can startup the oracle instance using the pfile using the below command.

          SQL> STARTUP PFILE= init(sid).ora;

          What is SPFILE

          SPFILE stands for server parameter file. This is binary file.we can not edit this file using normal editor. If you edit this file using normal editor it will be corrupted. So we can change the parameter value usong “ALTER SYSTEM” only. Now a days it is recommended by oracle  and we can take RMAN backup of SPFILE.The default location of the SPFILE is $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/spfile(sid).ora.

          If we want to start oracle instance using spfile then we execute the below command.


          How to check server is using spfile or pfile

          You can check server is using spfile or pfile using the below command.


          If this command gives the output then it will be confirm that server is running using spfile .If no rows comes after executing the above command then it will be confirm that  server is not running with spfile.

          How to create file from spfile and vice versa
          pfile vs spfile

          We can create pfile from spfile using the below command.

          SQL>CREATE PFILE = ‘$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/init(sid).ora’ from SPFILE;

          and it is useful when mistakenly spfile is corrupted we can create spfile from this pfile also using the below command.

          SQL>CREATE SPFILE FROM PFILE =’$ORACLE_HOME/dbs//init(sid).ora’

          In this tutorial we have learned about pfile and spfile of Oracle.

          Difference between OLTP vs OLAP in database


          OLTP vs OLAP in database

          In this tutorial we will learn  the concept of OLTP  vs  OLAP in database. Every dba should know the concept of OLTP and OLAP.

          OLTP vs OLAP

          What does OLTP stand for:-

          OLTP stands for online transaction processing. Normally we create OLTP database for ongoing transaction environment and OLTP database is used for day to day transaction activity for business need. As day to day transaction activities are happening therefore data always up-to-date.OLTP database stores current data for day to day activity.  Database size of OLTP database normally calculated in GB.OLTP database is handled by large no of people .

          We can found details data in OLTP database for business requirements.Datas in the OLTP database found in normalized manner as many small tables are linked with each other using join function.OLTP database normally used by DBA.Normally OLTP database supports read and write both operation .

          OLTP Example:- 

          Any e-commerce sites use OLTP database for day to day business transaction.

          What does OLAP stand for :-

          OLAP stands online analytical processing.Normally we create OLAP database for create report as well as dashboard for decision making and trending  analysis. It stores historical summarised data to create report and dashboard. Data comes from OLTP database for that data is not frquently updated and data stores in OLAP database in denormalized Mannar.OLAP Database normally used by MD ,CEO for decision making purpose.

          OLAP database normally use to analysis data to make bussiness decision so that OLAP database stores historical data to analysis data for results which is necessary to make decisions.Database size of OLAP database normally calculated in TB as large no of records is stored into OLAP database .OLAP database is handled by few no of people .Normally OLAP databse supports only read operation. 

          OLAP Example:- 

          If  we need any report for decision making for past 15 years we need OLAP database to make  dashboard using OLAP summarised data.

          In this tutorial we have learned the concept of OLTP  vs  OLAP in database.